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Parish Council Minutes 26th August 2008

Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council

Notes from the meeting of 26th August 2008

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Juniper, Short and Stafford.

The area police, PC Llloyd and PCSO Wagstaff attended the meeting and answered questions, mainly concerning contact with the public. The issue of Neighbourhood Watch and a local coordinator was raised.

The Council is grateful to Mrs Penny Lloyd for offering to represent us as a Governor of By Brook School.

Ownership of the public toilets in Biddestone should be transferred from NWDC to the Parish Council during September. During the winter the entrance will be improved and the toilets will be reopened on 1st April 2009

Restoration of the War Memorial has been made possible by a 50% grant fom the War Memorial Trust and a public appeal (still open). Work should start in the second week if September.

The speed control signs on the A420 at the Biddestone – Yatton Kennel crossing have now been installed. However, the Council decided to delayed payment until they are adjusted correctly.

The vacancy for a Parish Councillor will be filled by cooption as there were no requests for an election. To date two people have expressed an interest in being a Councillor.

Amended plans regarding parking and turning at the riding school in Weavern Lane have now been approved by NWDC. A replacement timber-framed conservatory, at 4 The Bartons, Slaughterford, has also been approved.

There were no objections to the felling of a small oak tree, close to the wall of Wearvern House, and to development of the roof space at Field House.

A manager for the Biddestone website is still required.

The next meeting will be on 30th September, 2008.

Tim Smith (01249 714455)