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Parish Council Minutes 24th June 2008

Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council

Notes from the meeting of 24th June 2008

Apologies were received from Cllr. Short. Six Cllrs. and two members of the public attended.

Blue clay is being sought to mend the leak from the pond, which has become more marked because of the dry weather. Although outstanding legal issues are delaying permanent reopening of the public toilets, repairs have been carried out and they will be open for the Biddestone Fete.

Listed building consent has now been granted for restoration of the War Memorial, new tenders obtained and a revised funding proposal submitted to the War Memorial Trust.

There were no objections to: 1. The retrospective application for change of use of The Sawmills in Challows Lane, which will provide a parking area for plant and machinery. It was noted that the new owners had cleared and tidied the site and made the buildings safe. 2. The replacement of the conservatory at 4 The Bartons, Slaughterford.

Whilst not in the parish, the management of Hartham Park has informed the council of new plans for the site. Our concern regards increased traffic flow through Biddestone at peak times. This will be discussed at a Consultation Day on 16th July.

Applications have been received to provide a pharmacy, should the proposal to open a polyclinic at Rudloe Park be implemented.

A draft Parish Plan is now been circulated around councillors for final comments, before going to Community First for their suggestions, before publication later in the year.

There are concerns regarding the Parish Steward programme, particularly rearrangement of the schedule, resulting in lost days in the Parish. There are also concerns regarding the state of the roads in and round Slaughterford, which have caused considerable damage to some vehicles. Both issues will be discussed with Cllr. Scott, our District Councillor.

Proposals to defer parish council elections until 2013 was considered undemocratic and unfair on current councillors, who may not be able, or unwilling, to serve for the extended period. The resignation of Cllr. Boor, for business reasons, was noted with regret. The procedures to replace him are underway.

A governor, representing the council, for By Brook School is still sought. Also a new coordinator for Neighbourhood Watch.

The next meeting will be on 29th July, 2008.

Tim Smith (01249 714455)

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