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Parish Council Minutes October 2007

Notes from the meeting of 23rd October 2007

Eight members of the Parish Council and Cllr Jane Scott were present. Apologies were received from Cllr R Boor.

Cllr Juniper was thanked for deputising during the Chairman’s absence in August and September.

The Green

Action to repair the leak from the pond is still awaited. The request for funds for restoring the War Memorial will be submitted to the War Memorial Trust before the deadline of 31st October. Listed building consent will be required before the work can be carried out.


A scheme proposed by NWDC to reopen the toilets was accepted by the Council. Under it NWDC will fund and restore the facility to an acceptable standard. We will pay a nominal price of £1 for the site. For the next five years the Parish Council will receive an annual grant to cover the costs of cleaning, stores, utilities and insurance. For the second five years the grant will be tapered. If at any time, after five years, the Council cannot maintain the facility, and provision of toilets has not become a statutory requirement of local government, then it can be sold, with the Parish receiving at least 20% of the proceeds. If we had refused these terms the site was to be sold for immediate redevelopment, without any benefit accruing to the Parish.

The A420

Cllrs Smith and Juniper attended a meeting with WWC, highways and the police, organised by Cllr Scott, to discuss the Biddestone/ Yatton Keynell crossroad on the A420. This crossing is now officially recognised as dangerous, although it is low on the overall list of priorities. It was agreed that, as an immediate measure, flashing warning signs on the main road, either side of the crossing, would alert motorists that there was a danger ahead. It was also agreed that Ministry would be requested to change the give-way signs on the two minor roads to stop signs.

Footpaths/ Bridleways

We are informed that conversion of these to By- ways will be very slow (possible up to 2030!) because of the huge number of requests, resulting from a change in the law. The Council will be informed when changes in our area are considered. We also have confirmation that Weavern Lane is an adopted road (in bad need of repair).


Three proposals were discussed: there were no objections to an alternative house off Cuttle Lane (two alternatives are currently approved for the site); alterations to the tool shed at Home Farm were accepted as long as all domestic sewage from the site enters the main sewage system; extra cricket on the main playing field were acceptable although the preferred position was near the tennis courts.

Best Kept Village

Earlier in the year we were first in the District Competition for small- sized villages. This automatically entered us in the County competition, in which we came third. The Council would like to thank all those who contributed to this success, including the Parish Steward. For both competitions we received a certificates and cheques for £50 (both given to the Royal British Legion for their War Memorial Fund.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, 27th November

Council Members (names and telephone numbers)

Tim Smith (Chairman) (01249 714455)
Ashley Juniper (Vice- chairman) (01249 712707)
Roger Boor (01249 715557)
Alison Butler (07711664866)
Rachel de Fossard (01249 782622)
Joan Emm (01249 712283)
Mary Mullens (01249 714399)
Andy Short (01249 714724)
Gill Stafford (01249 713103)

Tim Smith

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