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Parish Council Minutes June 2007

Notes 26th June 2007

Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council

Work is in hand to repair the damaged spillway to the pond, which has caused the water level to drop. Discussions regarding planting of indigenous plants at key points around the pond are in progress, with the work scheduled to commence in the autumn. Steps are being taken to reduce the rat population of the area and the public are asked to assist with this by reducing the amount of bread given to the ducks and to only scatter bread in the water- not on the grass.

The first police surgery was held on 3rd July at the Village Hall. It is hoped that future surgeries will be given more publicity.

An application to install secondary double glazing at Elm Cottage (grade 2 listed) was supported.

Changes to the bus service from Biddestone to Bristol were noted. Travellers will now have to change at Marshfield, from which point users of tokens will have to pay the fare. A temporary bus station is in use in Bath during rebuilding of the old one.

Mr Tim Gregory, of WCC, spoke to a representative group of councillors regarding the proposed unitary authority. Subsequently a letter was sent to the Consultation Board expressing our concern regarding in total a loss in the number of elected councillors, should NWDC close, and our concern on the accuracy of the costs and benefits of creating a unitary authority. If the proposal is accepted by Government, Mr Gregory has agreed to speak at the next Open Meeting of the Parish Council in October.

Tim Smith (01249 714455)